Full Name
Michelle Rowland MP
Parliament of Australia
Shadow Minister for Communications
Michelle was elected to the House of Representatives in 2010 as the member for Greenway.
Michelle was then re-elected in 2013 before being promoted to the positions of Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multiculturalism and Shadow Assistant Minister for Communications.
Michelle was elevated to the Shadow Cabinet in October 2015 and appointed the Shadow Minister for Small Business and Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multiculturalism.
After being re-elected to the seat of Greenway in 2016, Michelle was appointed as the Shadow Minister for Communications.
Prior to entering politics she was a senior lawyer, specialising in competition and regulation in the telecommunications, media and technology sectors.
Michelle is married to Michael and they have two young daughters, Octavia and Aurelia. Michelle is passionate about affording everyone, regardless of background, equality of opportunity.
Speaking At
Country (Address)