Full Name
Daniel Valiente-Riedl
General Manager
Daniel has over 16 years of experience working in the disability sector. During this time, he has worked in the areas of mental health, intellectual, developmental, acquired and physical disability.
Currently, the General Manager for JobAccess, Daniel manages a WorkFocus Australia team delivering this award-winning service on behalf of the Australian Government. JobAccess is the national hub for workplace and employment information for people with disability, employers and service providers.
Daniel has a passion for working with people and has occupied senior management positions in several organisations, including volunteer Directorships in not-for-profit organisations. Daniel was also a part-time teacher at the Sydney Institute of TAFE, delivering courses within the Community and Mental Health Diplomas.
Daniel has completed studies in training and assessment, management and human resources management, and holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, Master of Business Administration, and is currently completing the Master of Science in Organisational Psychology.
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