Session details

Keshet International, Anke Stoll - Ready, Steady, Pitch!

SCRIPTED TV Interested in coming on board at all stages from development to gap financing. Looking for Contemporary (or recent history) drama series with broad appeal. Any kind of crime series as well as grounded sci-fi series for a wider audience. We specifically have our eye out for a cosy crime drama. Interested in particular in Australian-UK co-production ideas. Before booking this meeting, please ensure you have read the buyers Ready, Steady, Pitch! brief and the project you are pitching meets their remit. Each pitch session runs for 15 minutes and consists of producers pitching their project to industry buyers and receiving immediate constructive feedback.

Anke Stoll
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
6:45 PM - 7:00 PM (AEST)
Location Name
Event Hub