Content Showcase: Stan Original Film Windcatcher
Windcatcher is a feature film set in the heartwarming town of Herbertson, where Percy Boy (Lennox Monaghan), a fast-running Aboriginal boy, forms an unexpected alliance with Keithy Cobb (Max Turner), the newcomer, and Daisy Hawkins (Coco Greenstone), a daring girl. Together, the trio aim to clinch the athletics carnival title from the "Wolf Pack” — the notorious grade five bullies. The film also stars Jessica Mauboy, Pia Miranda, Kelton Pell, and Lisa Maza. Join director Tanith Glynn-Maloney, writer Boyd Quakawoot, and producers Meg O’Connell and Drew Grove in discussion with commissioners Bernadette O’Mahony and Donna Chang (moderator) on the filmmaking process. Windcatcher is the result of the landmark partnership between ACTF and Stan — bringing exciting, feature-length live action projects to the screen for families and young audiences across Australia.
Session produced & moderated by Donna Chang - Stan